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Coaching for Adults and Kids

Clarity Catalyst

Fun with Party Props

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s degree program that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity, authenticity and self- expression.


In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week self-discovery course taught live online you will be given the blueprint to get clear on who you are and what you want. Your clarity, self-confidence, awareness, sense of direction, and passion will increase exponentially.


If you are ready to….


• Get into your “flow” by doing what you love and figure out if you want to leave your current job or make a completely different change in your personal life.


• Get crystal clear on your vision and mission so that you can help others and leave an impactful footprint on this great earth


• Ignite more passion and love into your life so that you can feel excited and sexy because you are loved, cherished, and honored


• Belong to a group of like-minded others who also want to take their lives to the next level so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community


Then… The Clarity Catalyst is for you!


In this 8-week program you will:


























CIJ For Kids & Teens Insight For Life

Teacher and Kids in Library

A powerful course created for kids and teens where they are able to discover their unique talents, learn valuable tools and self empowerment techniques that prepares them for success at school and in life.


This awe-inspiring course focuses on mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Based upon methodology first taught at Stanford University’s famed Creativity in Business Course (CIB), the 9-week program is designed to take kids and teens on a profound journey into unearthing their creativity, tapping into their purpose, and thereby activating their full

potential. Using practical tools and techniques the CIJ Insight for Life Instructor will empower kids and teens to step into their authentic true selves.




This 9-week course is designed to provide students with a competitive edge by helping to foster and develop the powerful creative potential within them. Specific benefits and outcomes often include the following:

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