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Single Clarity Session

Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

If you are a mom and you want to experience a clarity session to see what it’s like to have me as a coach, then signing up for one session is the way to experience this. It also gives you the opportunity to not have to take part in a program if you’re not ready to, or you don’t want to commit that much time of your life.  You’re a busy mom, I get it. 


To give you an idea what a clarity session is like, I’d like you to imagine yourself going to a spa, except this one is just for your mind. While at this spa, imagine being asked questions and that the focus is on you, because you deserve that. As you are being guided with questions you will feel lighter in your body, calmer, and full of clarity about what it is you are wondering about how to go about moving forward for yourself and/or your neurodivergent child. 


By the end of the session you will not only have clarity about what it is you want to do in your life at the time, but you will have an action step that you and I will have agreed upon is the one you want to take as you keep moving forward to actualize that goal.











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